The British Faery: The Ramayana..

Wednesday 16 February 2011

The Ramayana..

My love for India has been bubbling quietly under the surface for a few years now, and has just recently come to the surface. At nursery I regularly read the children 'Rama and the 10 Headed Demon' (To the horror of my co-workers) and always loved the story.
I finally found the actual story, The Ramayana, at Powell's in Seattle, and I loved it. 
The story of Gods and Demons, Monkey Kings, Beauty, and Culture. 
Since I finished it, I have found myself googling all the characters from the story, Collecting and coveting all the images -printed or not- I find.
I thought I would share them with you.


Akasasya yadha bhedhasthrividho drusyathe mahan,
Jalasaye mahakasasthadavachinna eva hi,
Prathi bibhokhyamaparam drusyadhe trividham nara

The great ones see the sky in three different ways,
The great sky as reflected in great body of water,
Then as the limit that separates and also as shadow.

Budhi vichinna chaithanya mekam poornamadhaparam,
Aabhasathwaparam bimba bhoothamevam tridha chithi. 3

The first is the hidden power of the brain,
Then that power which is complete,
And then the splendour idolized within us,
Are the three types of Athma told by me.

 I found these following three images at the link below, and you should go check out all his work. It is beautiful <3

Om asya Sri Raama Dwadasa nama stotra maha mantrasya Eswara
rishihi Anushtup chandaha
|Sri Raamachandra devatha|
Sri Raamachandra preetyarthe Jape viniyogaha

For the great Mantra called twelve names of Rama, Lord Shiva is the sage,
Meter is Anushtup, God is Lord Ramachandra and it is chanted to please Lord Ramachandra.

 Om Prathamam Sridharam vidyaadh
Dwiteeyam Raghu nayakam
Truteeyam Ramachandramcha
Chaturtham Ravananthakam
Panchamam LokaPoojyancha
Shashtamam Janaki pathim
Saptamam Vasudevam cha
SriRaamam chashtamam tatha
Navamam Jalada Syamam
Dasamam Lakshmanaagrajam
Ekadasam cha Govindam
Dwadasam Setu bandhanam

Om first is the name of he who carries Lakshmi,
Second is of the chief of Raghu clan,
Third is of the moon like Rama,
Fourth is of the killer of Ravana,
Fifth, is that of him who is venerated by the world,
Sixth is that of the Consort of Sita,
Seventh is of the one who hides the world by illusion,
Eighth is of the one who attracts all,
Ninth is the one who is of the colour of the cloud,
Tenth is of the elder brother of Lakshmana,
Eleventh is of the one who is attained by Vedas,
And twelfth is of the one who built the bridge Sethu.

Hanuman -

Dwadasaithani Naamani Ya pateth srunayanvithaha
Ardharatretu dwadasyaam Kushta darirdrya nasanam
Aranye chaiva sangrame AgnouBhaya nivaranam
Brahmahatya suraapaanam Gohatyaadi nivaaranam
Sapta vaaram Prapatennityam sarvaarishta nivaranam
Grahane cha Jale sthithva Nadee teere viseshataha
Aswamedha Satam punyam Brahma lokam gamishyathi
Benefits of chanting it
Those who read or hear these twelve names with devotion,
On the star Arudhra and Thithi Dwadasi would get rid of poverty and Leprosy,
Get rid of the fear of fire in forest and battle field,
And Get rid of the effects of the sin of killing a Brahmin or a cow and drinking alcohol,
If these are read daily for week, one can get rid of all problems,
Especially if it is read during eclipse or standing in water or in the banks of the river,
One would get the benefit of performing one hundred Aswamedha and go to the world of Brahma.

 || Iti Sri Skanda Puranothara Khanda Uma Maheswara Samvade
SriRaamachandra Dwaadasanaama stotram sampoornam ||

Thus ends the twelve names of Rama occurring in the discussion between Lord shiva and Uma in the after ward Of the Skanda Purana.

Your British Faery 


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