The British Faery: A short and cheerful new year post!

Monday, 9 January 2017

A short and cheerful new year post!

I've had a busy period since November, sewing Sprytes to send of to the US, and then preparing for Christmas.
I am so excited about the new year. I know that every year has the promise of fresh starts and new beginnings, but this year feels... different. I feel really hopeful. Not that the year will hold some magical event for me, or that I'll win the lottery or wake up 14lb lighter. I just feel hopeful. Light.
I'm excited about making more Sprytes, inventing new friends, new creatures. About taking them new places - quite literally. I want to vend festivals, meet other creative folks.
I'm going to learn to drive! I am so excited! I can go places! I can pick up crazy things I find on Freecycle! I can go to the shop and buy food!
It's going to be a good year.

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