The British Faery: Waking up with the Spring.

Sunday, 19 March 2017

Waking up with the Spring.

I can't quite believe it is March already - I can less believe that March is almost over! How!? I did so want to be more productive this year. I suppose I have been, in some ways - I have developed more ideas and plans, but I haven't quite executed them yet.
I feel like I don't quite have the spark, the inner passion that I once had for The Sprytes. I believe it is still there, just buried under caution, and perfectionism. I have been so nervous and hard on myself to make each Spryte 'perfect' I am not letting them come out freely, letting the process happen naturally, like I used too. Their new body pattern is so much better, and I really truly am happy with it - I just need to re-tune myself to hear their voices.
I have looked through photos of old Sprytes, and it has really helped re-energise me, re-inspire me. Reminded me to have FUN with them. To experiment, and try different things. I forgot about horns! About sweet knitted clothing, different coloured skin tones. So many things.
I have booked to vend at Wychwood Fair in September, and I am really excited. Plus, I work best under pressure and with a deadline ;)

It's time to get a move on...!

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